Island Intuitive



We all carry within us a wounded & unhealed inner child - one that had learned certain behaviors for self-preservation. Perhaps as a child we were/felt abandoned, lonely, unloved, fearful, neglected, judged, rejected, invalidated, betrayed, or violated in some way by our parent(s) or caregiver(s). As such, we adopted certain coping skills like shutting down or detaching, throwing tantrums, manipulating, or rebelling - all in an effort & attempt to express ourselves & get our personal needs met. We likely did not have the language to communicate our needs, desires, hurt or even have the capacity to understand our environment & circumstances. At that point in our lives, those behaviors served & protected our fragile state & allowed us to cope & express the trauma, fears, pains & disappointments, etc..  

As an adult, however, that inner child is still unconsciously at the forefront of our being with the same thoughts, behaviors, experiences, perceptions, & reactions, but now its playing itself out in our current circumstances, current relationships & the current world around us. What once served us as children, no longer serves us as adults though. In fact, they can be self-sabotaging & destructive: Perhaps as adults, it has manifested itself as having poor boundaries, low self-esteem, people-pleasing, a victim mentality, addictions, toxic relationships, being passive, being aggressive, dependent, needy, over-giving or having commitment issues to name a few. Transformation is, indeed, more about unlearning then learning.  

The journey to healing and transformation is to become conscious of this dynamic, observe it in your everyday life & interactions, and begin to take ownership for that part of ourselves: Always trying to look within rather than finding fault or projecting onto others, yet simultaneously being kind to ourselves in the process... having compassion for our wounded, inner child.  

It took years & years to learn those behaviors, so it will take some time & arduous effort to unlearn them as well.  The 1st step to healing that inner child is to do an “inner-child healing journey”. This is the beginning of the shift: Awareness of that inner child within & his/her thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, & perceptions. Bringing the unconscious to the conscious & identifying our adult emotional blockages/challenges and how they may have manifested in our energy centers/chakras as well.  

 What to expect: 

While laying on a massage table or comfortably seated upright (in person or remotely via telephone, Facetime, Zoom or Skype), I lead you through a guided, grounding, relaxing meditation. From there, I will audibly guide you through the journey of healing your inner-child. To preserve the integrity & authenticity of this process, I will not share specifics here of further details.  Just know that it is extremely cleansing, healing, & powerful  ~ a “breakthrough moment” for the vast majority who embark upon this journey.

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